“After every gathering like this where I hear stories about Emmanuel, I feel this internal drive to change myself, to take from those amazing qualities he had within him and to adopt them into my life.”
– youth participant in the Acharai! Emmanuel program
You are no longer Emmanuel of the family, nor Emmanuel of Maya and the children, not even Emmanuel of the Unit. From now on, as we already see from this funeral, you are Emmanuel of Clal Israel (all of Israel); and as such, despite your protests, you have lost the right to remain modest and humble, and as for us your friends the obligation has fallen upon us to ensure the people of Israel, indeed know who you are and how great a loss your death was for the people.
Emmanuel was one of those people within the elite of the (elite army recon unit) Sayaret Matkal. The fighting spirit of Emmanuel was all about his abilities, his talents and applied skills, and his steely determination, that’s what matters. You can never really know how many people were saved as a result of his activities, but a lot of success and a lot of glory that no one knows about unfortunately, and it seems never will, are attached to this set of skills that Emmanuel possessed.
Over the years you have become a national symbol. Generations of youth are studying your ways. The ever present determination to improve yourself and learn from mistakes. Your heroism earned from the countless missions across enemy borders far and near. Your modesty. Your crazy sense of humor. Your faith in G-d above. The love you have for your people and your land. Wherever I go, your image is front and center with me.